The Closing Ceremony took place this afternoon on the mainstage on the Training Ground.
Lead by the Youth Leads; Ayesha, Nathan, Izzy and Rob the closing ceremony offered the opportunity to reflect on the weekends adventures and what we will all take home to our local Scouting.
To wake us all up and ensure we were fully engaged they started with a short game of “Stand up if” questions included; if you attended the Silent Disco, Campfire and if you still have your Gilwell cup – naturally this gained a cheer.
The team then lead everyone in reflecting on what brought them to be here today. “This weekend is about celebrating getting to know new friends and spending time with old ones”. With this in mind the crowd were challenged to turn to the person next to them and reflect on the inspirational leader who was the reason they had stayed in the movement and ultimately come along this weekend. After a few minutes of discussion with neighbours the team on the stage shared their inspirational adults, from Jamboree Unit Leaders who smiled no matter the challenges, to Explorer Leaders who pushed them to reach beyond personal expectations and even parents as leaders who have been an inspiration just being being determined and encouraging. Each leader making their own distinct mark on the young people they have led.

As the reflection came to a close, Ayesha said “Go back to your local Scouting and if you have one of those leaders tell them. Remember there is someone who looks at you as their inspirational leader.”
As is tradition with Gilwell Reunion there was an update on Gilwell Park and this was given by Carl. Over the past year there have been several maintenance pieces carried out including to the Maori arch at the campfire circle, internal alterations made to the Dorothy Hughes centre and new archery ranges have been installed on the site. Coming up over the next year there will be progress on several new development projects, including the installation of a solar park, rescheduling of some old favourite events and even some new ones and this weekend the Gilwell Fellows over saw the breaking of ground for a new reception centre. Carl went on to thank all of the staff, volunteer teams and Active Support Units who have worked so hard to make Gilwell Reunion 2024 such a success.
“We are here for renewal and share in something special. Have a safe journey to wherever you do your local Scouting. Thank you for everything that you do”