Opening Impressions

Two people looking at the stage

It’s finally that time again, (even if it’s slightly earlier than usual if the rumours are to be believed). Gilwell Reunion is back!

The weekend’s festivities began with a gathering on the Training Ground. Soul Corporation provided the music as the atmosphere began to build ahead of the official Opening Ceremony.

Before the speech makers could make their opening remarks, some Attendees and Staff Members shared their impressions of the event and expectations for the weekend with the ‘Reunion Express’.

This is the first Reunion for Millie from 3rd Hastings, as she’s recently turned 18. “Everything seems great,” she says, “and the workshops look interesting!”. 

Three Finns, Katja, Merja and Kati are also here for the first time. “We wanted to see the Baden Powell statues, and the sites associated with Scouting history.”

Graham Popay from Northumberland, sees Reunion as an opportunity to “recharge our batteries”, while Scoutadelic’s Mike Rouse-Deane, said “Skills for Life!, Adventure!”.

As for the speeches, Matt Hyde, CEO, wearing his ‘leavers’ hoodie welcomed the assembled masses, and hoped that this would be the “best Reunion of the 11” he’s attended. “It’s an incredible event,” he added, “there’s so much going on!”

Gilwell’s Camp Chief Sam Morris, reminded everyone to “Download the App!”.

Youth Lead, Aysha Karim gave shout out to the under-25s, and celebrated the mix of “new faces, and old.”

Lead Volunteer, Carl Hankinson felt the atmosphere was like “like a Network Camp”, adding that it’s “great to have visitors from other countries” participating. “This is a great weekend ti recharge batteries.”

As the speeches came to a close, and the evening entertainments (including a silent disco) began, Chris Ball, Cole Valley South District Scouts shared that he was here to “catch up with friends made here, and friends from other events this summer, such as Roverway”. He’s also looking forward to making new friends ahead of the Moot.

People dance the night away on trh Training Ground

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