Thoughts from Wales

Rhian Moore, Chief Volunteer of Wales dropped by the Reunion Express news desk this morning to share her thoughts and reflections on the weekend ahead.

Taking time for an early morning wander around Gilwell reunion you quickly remember what the event means to the thousands of volunteers who come along. For some it’s an annual event, for others it the first time they have some and are taking it all in.

The White House from Branchet Field

It is easy to take our Scouting family for granted, and taking time to pause, look around and remember that we are part of a worldwide movement is good for our soul and energy levels as we prepare for a new term.

As a nation chief volunteer, the weekend is packed with things to do, from meeting and greeting Council members at the AGM and then helping to share the amazing story of Scouts over the last year, to visiting volunteers from Wales who are at the event.

A highlight for me this weekend will be seeing Gill Clay presented with her Bronze Wolf on behalf of the World Organisation of Scout Movement on Saturday afternoon. I have the privilege of knowing Gill as a Beaver leader in Cowbridge, south Wales. She is an amazing lady with a wonderful energy and enthusiasm for supporting young people to be the best they can be and sharing skills for life.

I hope you find time this weekend to unite with friends, make brilliant memories and gather some new knowledge that will make your scouting even more amazing next year. Thank you for all you do and thank you for coming along to reunion and being part of this amazing movement.

Friends sharing biscuits with passers by

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