Brownsea and Us – A family history

On Saturday afternoon, Robin Clay gave a personalised presentation on the history of Brownsea island and its connection to his family. Robin, the son of Betty Clay and grandson of Robert and Olave Baden-Powell described the circumstances under which BP became acquainted with the owners of Brownsea, the tranquillity it provided for his 1907 experimental camp compared to the hustle of London, and the legacy of the camp on the island, and on his family.

A scout leader standing by a lectern, is presented with a token of appreciation
Thank you Robin – Robin Clay is presented with a token of appreciation for his presentation

The slideshow was followed by a presentation of a wooden sculpture to newly invested Gilwell Fellow David, Lord Baden-Powell, and a celebration of some significant birthdays for two of the Fellows in attendance.

Before the evening came to a close Gill Clay received a special presentation.

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